About US
A 6000 sq ft ex-industrial warehouse has been converted into a new creative hub for contemporary artists' studios and a spacious art gallery by founder and director, Bristol based British contemporary artist Zarabéa Esfendiar Kayani (a.k.a Béa Kayani). It is the latest addition to the growing artist presence in Bedminster - Bristol.
Kosar Contemporary aims to deliver a diverse, inclusive and experimental programme of curated gallery exhibitions, performances and residencies throughout the year, which are relevant to the local community as well as the contemporary art world in the wider context.
During Dec 2018-2019, we have hosted and curated 17 exhibitions and performance and events, supporting and collaborating with local emerging artists as well as national and international established artists. We have an exciting exhibition programme in the pipeline for 2020.
Kosar Contemporary is in the process of moving from its current location.
4 Little Paradise, Bristol, BS34DD
Kosar Contemporary | 4 Little Paradise | Bedminster | www.kosarcontemporary.com| info@kosarcontemporary.com